
Michelle Pawley is a Licensed Acupuncturist and owner of Bloomington Normal Acupuncture. She attended the Acupuncture and Integrative Medicine College in Berkeley, CA and graduated summa cum laude with a Master's in Traditional Chinese Medicine. She is board certified by the National Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCAAOM) as a Diplomate in Acupuncture. Prior to attaining her degree in Chinese Medicine, she graduated from Northwestern University with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology. 

Michelle is a highly skilled acupuncturist and herbalist. She was trained in Japanese acupuncture and Sports Medicine by Haro Ogawa, the team acupuncturist for the San Francisco Giants. During her time in the Bay Area she was also fortunate to be one of only 5 acupuncturists invited to pioneer a program through Kaiser Permanente, which brought acupuncture to the Emergency Room. Michelle has extensive advanced training in fertility acupuncture and has a passion for helping couples achieve pregnancy. 

Michelle listens carefully to the needs of every patient and provides an atmosphere of compassion. She takes a great deal of time with each patient, gathers a comprehensive medical history, and makes a custom tailored treatment plan with each appointment. Michelle is strongly in favor of the integration of Eastern and Western medicine in treating illness and maintaining health. She believes that through this integration of medical models, patients receive the most comprehensive healthcare and see better outcomes.

Michelle is a member of St Mary’s Church in Bloomington, Il. She lives in Normal with her husband and their four children.